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The compact training courses are so popular because they are short, concise and concise. In 1 hour you will be familiarized with the most important cornerstones of a topic block. Inexpensive, fast and without "all around". Ideal as an introductory or refresher course. The training courses are conducted by experienced trainers who are also certified IFS auditors. You benefit from the many years of practical experience of our employees. For longer events, you can choose between interactive online webinars and in-house training courses. If you want a shorter introduction, we recommend our 1-hour courses. There is also a certificate of attendance from 1st Solution CTC. Course details can be found here. Course language is German - English on request. 

The following applies to all events: from the minimum number of participants of 4 people, we guarantee that the event will take place.

To register, please use this form

Schädlingsbekämpfung / Pest Control
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99 €
Interne Audits und Betriebsbegehungen / Internal audits and site inspections
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auf Anfrage
99 €
HACCP Kurzschulung / HACCP short training
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99 €
Fremdkörpermanagement / Foreign material management
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auf Anfrage
99 €
Validierung und Verifizierung / Validation & verification
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99 €
Korrekturen und Korrekturmaßnahmen / Corrections & corrective actions
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99 €
Produktentwicklung / R&D
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99 €
Food Fraud
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99 €
Food Defense
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99 €
Food Safety Culture
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99 €
Werkstatt und Technik / Maintenance & work shop
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99 €
Management von ausgelagerten Prozessen / Management of outsourced processes
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99 €
Schulungen / Trainings
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99 €
Meldepflichten an Behörden, Kunden & Zertstellen / Notification obligations (gov't, customers CBs)
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99 €
Verpackungsmaterialien / Packaging materials
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99 €




Our 1st Solution short training courses (1 hour) at a glance:



The event meets the requirement for the training of internal staff responsible for pest control as required by IFS Food v7. You will learn to understand the elementary basics of pest control, how the external pest controller should be looked after and which legal principles must be observed. There are also tips and tricks on the subject of pest control, including for other standards.

Target Audience: QMR/QA staff, other staff responsible for pest control and control.


Learn more about the management of outsourced processes and the requirements that IFS in particular places on them. Often, outsourced processes are not recognized or not comprehensively managed. This can result in risks for your company and also for the certification. After this seminar, you will be able to reliably identify outsourced processes and define appropriate control measures.
Target group: QMB/QS personnel, other responsible employees.

Reporting obligations of companies to authorities, customers and certification bodies




According to the various standards and legal requirements, companies have reporting obligations that they must comply with. Our 1-hour seminar introduces these reporting obligations and relates them to the IFS criteria.

Besides microbiological problems, foreign bodies are the most important source of complaints. Since foreign bodies can easily lead to recalls and high costs, special attention is required here. In this webinar you will get an overview of the most important foreign body sources, avoidance strategies, the management of foreign body detectors and how to deal with foreign body finds. This training is aimed at all quality management staff, HACCP team members and operators of foreign body detectors and lasts one hour.



Product development is usually one of the most complicated processes in a company. Mistakes in this area can lead to risks for the company and the certification. Find out what minimum requirements are placed on a product development process and how you can implement this in your own company. Get help for your daily work with product developments. This training is aimed at all employees in quality management, the HACCP team and product development and lasts one hour.



Verification and validation, two important pillars for any HACCP system and also for many processes beyond. Decide which processes require verification and validation. What options and parameters can be used to ensure food safety and product requirements? Get tips on how the results of validation and verification play into your quality management system and food safety and how to deal with them. This training is aimed at all employees in quality management and lasts one hour.


In this training, the legal specifications and requirements for packaging materials are dealt with and placed in the context of the Food Safety Standards - in particular with regard to the IFS and GFSI standards in the areas of food, broker, wholesale/CC and packaging. The event is aimed at all QMRs and buyers and other people responsible for packaging materials. This course covers the most important key parameters that go into a hazard analysis and food fraud analysis for packaging material. Contents and specifications are discussed, which are contained in declarations of conformity and specifications, how you have to deal with the documents of the packaging manufacturers.


What are the requirements for maintenance and system design? In this training you will learn, among other things, which documentation is required for the maintenance of production machines and temporary repairs and which audit requirements exist. Find out how you can ensure that the production facilities, equipment and materials used for maintenance comply with the law and current food safety standards. The training is aimed at all QMB/QA and employees who are responsible for maintenance and repair, procurement and planning of technical parts and systems.


The one-hour event is aimed at all QMBs and QS employees who are responsible for training and instructing employees. The course covers the requirement for the Training and Instruction chapter of the IFS and other GFSI standards. You will learn the basics and content on which a training program should be based. In this course you will receive tips on how to successfully document and prove the training courses and instructions given for an audit.


The training uses practical examples to show the difference between corrections and corrective measures. The difference plays an important role in the BRC GS, especially from IFS Food v7 - and already now. Learn how best to address audit deviations. It is explained within what period of time appropriate corrective measures must be implemented and verified and which formalisms you must observe. This training is aimed at all QMR and IFS/audit officers.



Food fraud expectations and requirements can be found in all GFSI standards, including IFS, BRC and FSSC. This element is also very important for your own business and your customers. Which raw materials, ingredients and packaging materials are particularly at risk? Using practical examples, the most important information on the subject of food fraud is covered in this course. This short seminar is aimed at all QMB and QS employees.




Food Safety Culture has been made mandatory by the GFSI in all recognized Food Safety Standards. Thus also in the IFS, BRC GS and FSSC standards. In which chapters can the Food Safety Culture be incorporated into your quality management manual and corporate philosophy? What measures must be taken so that the food safety culture is lived in your company and accepted by your employees? This training shows the most important cornerstones and is aimed at all QM officers, managing directors and employees in standard management.



Food Defense has been made mandatory by the GFSI in all compatible standards (e.g. IFS, BRC GS, FSSC). It is even more important for companies that export their products to the US or also have US customers with specific customer requirements. In the event you will learn which important requirements have to be met. Thanks to our excellent technical background, you will learn what you need and have to consider when it comes to "Food Defense". Where are the pitfalls and how to avoid them? We bring you closer to the topic in an understandable and well-founded way. This training is aimed at all QMBs, QS employees and Food Defense officers.

A1 -Eng
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